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  • The predefined dataset download links to all harmonized datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Production and Industrial Facilities theme.

  • The Web Map Services (WMS) view service, giving view access to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Production and Industrial Facilities theme.

  • A medium combustion plant is any technical device with a rated thermal input of 1 MW or more and less than 50 MW in which combustible products are oxidised in order to use the heat thus produced, such as combustion plants, engines and gas turbines. All medium combustion installations must be registered with the Environmental Administration, which keeps a public register with information on each installation. The operating conditions and the obligations of the operators of these installations are laid down in the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 24 April 2018 on the limitation of emissions from medium combustion installations.

  • Installations de compostage

  • Industrial buildings harmonized according to INSPIRE and comming from the official carto-/topographic database (BD-L-TC). The BD-L-TC is a vector dataset at the scale 1:5000 which represents the earth surface's objects on the national territory, with attributes in german, french and english. The buildings are hereby represented as point geometry only. To obtain polygon geometries, refer the the Building INSPIRE theme.

  • This dataset represent the Economic activity zones in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It contains the contours of the national, regional, municipal economic activity zones. This dataset has been harmonized according to the INSPIRE theme "Production and industrial facilities" data specifications.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the EU Directive 2012/18/EU (Seveso III). Facilities are classified into two categories: either lower-tier establishments or upper-tier establishments. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg currently has 9 lower-tier establishments and 9 upper-tier establishments. The "Inspection du travail et des mines", under the authority of the Minister responsible for Labor, performs technical missions to collect information, advise, monitor, inspect, coordinate and contact the authorities of the countries neighbors of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and of the European authorities, missions carried out on behalf of the above-mentioned minister as competent authority.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the EU E-PRTR regulation. Data reporting by Member States according to Article 7 of Regulation 166/2006/EC covering data reported by operators to the Member States according to Article 5.1 (releases to air, water and land; off-side transfers of waste; and off-side transfers of pollutants in waste water) and 5.2 (information on releases and transfers resulting as totals of all deliberate, accidental, routine and non-routine activities). For all facilities which undertake one or more of the activities specified in Annex I above the applicable capacity thresholds, the reporting covers: (a) releases to air, water and land of any pollutant specified in Annex II for which the applicable threshold value specified in Annex II is exceeded; (b) off-site transfers of hazardous waste exceeding 2 tonnes per year or of non hazardous waste exceeding 2000 tonnes per year, for any operations of recovery or disposal with the exception of the disposal operations of land treatment and deep injection referred to in Article 6, indicating with "R" or "D" respectively whether the waste is destined for recovery or disposal and, for transboundary movements of hazardous waste, the name and address of the recoverer or the disposer of the waste and the actual recovery or disposal site; (c) off-site transfers of any pollutant specified in Annex II in waste water destined for waste-water treatment for which the threshold value specified in Annex II, column 1b is exceeded. The information shall include information on releases and transfers resulting as totals of all deliberate, accidental, routine and non-routine activities. This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • This dataset includes data reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg according to Article 7 of Regulation 166/2006/EC covering data reported by operators to the Member States according to Article 5.1 (releases to air, water and land; off-side transfers of waste; and off-side transfers of pollutants in waste water) and 5.2 (information on releases and transfers resulting as totals of all deliberate, accidental, routine and non-routine activities). For all facilities which undertake one or more of the activities specified in Annex I above the applicable capacity thresholds, the reporting covers: (a) releases to air, water and land of any pollutant specified in Annex II for which the applicable threshold value specified in Annex II is exceeded; (b) off-site transfers of hazardous waste exceeding 2 tonnes per year or of non hazardous waste exceeding 2000 tonnes per year, for any operations of recovery or disposal with the exception of the disposal operations of land treatment and deep injection referred to in Article 6, indicating with "R" or "D" respectively whether the waste is destined for recovery or disposal and, for transboundary movements of hazardous waste, the name and address of the recoverer or the disposer of the waste and the actual recovery or disposal site; (c) off-site transfers of any pollutant specified in Annex II in waste water destined for waste-water treatment for which the threshold value specified in Annex II, column 1b is exceeded. The information shall include information on releases and transfers resulting as totals of all deliberate, accidental, routine and non-routine activities. This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • Décharges de déchets inertes, de construction et de démolition